Press Releases for Nigeria

  • 1121

    OilPro Oil and Gas Limited Urge Speedy Approval of PIB

    The managing Director of OilPro Oil and Gas Limited, Mr Peter Eledan urged the National Assembly to speed up the process of signing the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) into Law without further delay.

    By : | 07-18-2012 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1121

  • 1147

    Trusted Indigenous Oil field Equipment and Materials Provider in Nigeria Oil and Gas Upstream Market

    OilPro Energy Limited supplies various specialist products and services for the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries in Nigeria; while providing unique value solutions to technical problems through a well-developed network of international partners, supported locally by experienced and skilled staff.

    By : | 10-17-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1147

  • 783

    Nigerian Bomb Blast: Goodluck Jonathan Global Campaign Team condemns attack

    The Goodluck Jonathan Global Campaign Team (GJGCT) realises that the Federal Government has an urgent responsibility to ensure national security. The circumstances leading to and after the Abuja bomb blast are worth reviewing; President Goodluck Jonathan has centred his political campaigns around issues that touch on the lives of the Nigerian people.

    By : | 10-12-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 783

  • 778

    Pray for Dr Goodluck Jonathan

    The Goodluck Jonathan Global Campaign Team (GJGCT) realises that President Goodluck Jonathan needs prayers because he faces unparalleled challenges during the forthcoming 2011 presidential elections and beyond. He has shown us that with God anything is possible, but he must fight to make his destiny as the elected President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria happens in the forthcoming elections.

    By : | 09-16-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 778

  • 627

    Goodluck Jonathan Commences Online Digital Campaign

    Goodluck Jonathan Global Campaign Team (GJGCT) will use the internet, email, SMS, Social Media in reaching out to his supporters, voters and huge numbers of ordinary Nigerians to meet with, talk to and persuade their family, friends, neighbours and colleagues to vote for Goodluck Jonathan.

    By : | 09-01-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 627

  • 784

    Nigeria's Independence Day History Inspires 'Inspiration for Change' City of London Event

    Nigeria's independence from colonial rule 50 years ago notwithstanding, her people are seeking inspiration for change as the country's history remains plagued by poverty, declining educational standards, corrupt leadership and political instability.

    By : | 07-08-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 784

  • 520

    Hilbroy Advisory: Anxiety Heightens Over Union Bank, Oceanic, Intercontinental, Bank PHB, Others

    Financial experts believe the Federal Government does not have to re-invent the wheel to re-structure the economy because all the studies had been done and these formed the road-map.

    By : | 06-22-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 520

  • 541

    GJGCT Hail President Goodluck Jonathan’s Historic Victory

    Without a shred of a doubt it is indeed evident that a new era has emerged within the political space of the most populous country in Africa -Nigeria. And it seemed like the first few lines of the National Anthem came alive anew.

    By : | 04-21-2011 | Society:Society | Total Views : 541

  • 525

    Inec Urged To Extend Registration Days

    The absolute priority for Goodluck Jonathan however is voter mobilization. The Goodluck\ Sambo Campaign Organisation is a master organizer and should use this to generate voter registration and voter turnout across the country.

    By : | 01-25-2011 | Society:Society | Total Views : 525

  • 586

    Praise For Dr Dalhatu Tafida From A Global Group

    President Goodluck Jonathan, the candidate to beat in the 2011 general election clinched victory on Thursday in the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) presidential race, defeating Atiku Abubakar after a marathon primary campaign.

    By : | 01-19-2011 | Society:Society | Total Views : 586